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dc.contributor.authorArik, Gokce Nur
dc.contributor.authorKuzay, Dilek
dc.contributor.authorSeymen, Cemile Merve
dc.contributor.authorOzer, Cigdem
dc.contributor.authorGoktas, Tayfun
dc.contributor.authorAral, Bahriye Sirav
dc.contributor.authorSenturk, Fatih
dc.contributor.authorKaplanoglu, Gulnur Take
dc.description.abstractAim: To determine the effects of 2100 MHz radiofrequency (RF) on distribution of androgen receptor (AR) in hypertensive and normotensive rats by histochemical and immunohistochemical ways. Methods: 24 Wistar albino male rats were divided into 4 groups. 1 ml/day tap water tap water was given to the control group by gavage.1 mg of L-NAME (dissolved in tap water) was given to experimental hypertension group (1 month/gavage). RF group was exposed to 60 minutes/5 days/2100 MHz RF for 2 months. Hypertension+RF applied group was administered with a dose of 60 mg/kg L-NAME for 1 month by gavage and was exposed to 60 minutes/5 days/2100 MHz RF for 2 months. Masson's Trichrom and AR stainings were performed to ductus epididymis. Results: Stereociliums were pinopodically arranged in RF group by histochemical staining, while tubular epithelial cells opening in connection units, deletion in stereocilium and reduction in the amount of spermium were found in hypertensive group. Intense tubular epithelial cells degeneration and spermiums with head/tail anomalies were observed in last group. Strong AR immunreactivity was seen in hypertansive group while the intensity decreased in last group. Conclusion : Both hypertension and 2100 mHz RF cause damage in ductus epididymis and adversely effect AR distribution.
dc.titleThe Effects of Radio Frequency on Ductus Epididymis in Hypertensive and Normal Rats

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